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medical school

USPSTF screenings and more!

I’m studying for the ABFM certification board exam and created this cheat sheet for screening guidelines! I found out I could be …

New ECG Cheat Sheet

The nature of residency is looking up the same information again and again until it sticks in your head. Reading ECGs takes practice and one …

V/Q Mismatch & Hypoxemia

V/Q Mismatch Confusion V/Q mismatch is a confusing subject because the terms “dead space” and “shunt” are not very intuitive definitions. Moreover, …

Ultimate Doctor Playlist

To commemorate the end of medical school, I compiled a playlist of ultimate celebration! Encompassing the gamut of medical student experience, I tried …

Airline Medical Emergencies

Due to all these residency interviews, I am flying much more often than I am used to! I sometimes imagine the inflight …

Learning ECG Quickly

I’ve found a few good resources that I think will help you learn ECG quickly and confidently. The Six Second ECG ( …

My Bitter Pill

Steven Brill’s “Bitter Pill: Why medical bills are killing us” Bruised, stunned, winded, exhausted, frustrated. That is how I felt after reading …

ECG Cheat Sheet!

The beginnings of this cheat sheet began when I was in medical school, when I read a book my resident senior lent me, …