Telomere— the end is here— Cold leaf on a windshield— wiped— conducts the end of songs— Cicadas gone Flu shot season is here but too late for the trees— they’ve gone red with happy rash— it spreads— erythematous blight of devotion— faster than flesh-eating disease Dark limbs hide behind brilliant, violent hills A forest of slapped cheeks and amorous apoptosis Mountain sides— merry with Asian flush How do you inherit seasons— cycle— to new— and split— the cell? A foreign gene burns— crackles and reddens— maddens to a fit— then numbs into an ash of white— on white Familiar DNA contains jungles— slowly swells from brown to squirming green then wildly drowns in typhoons— monsoons of blue in blue
- Telomere replication – disposable buffers at the ends of chromosomes which are truncated during cell division, thereby protecting genes from being truncated instead
- Fall foliage maps are the best
- Necrotizing fasciitis – sudden onset, spreads rapidly; one needs a high-index of suspicion
- Asian alcohol dehydrogenase genes – cause acetaldehyde to build up, resulting in Asian flush (and unfortunately an increase in esophageal cancer risk as well)
- Mitosis – “my toes” helps me remember this is how somatic cells in the body make new cells. Meiosis is how germ cells divide and create cells with half the number of chromosomes.
- The Philippines has two seasons – a wet and a dry season. The rainy season occurs from June to November, bringing with it monsoons, typhoons, and floods.
- Race & Ethnicity map of New England – the New England states have remarkable percentage point differences when compared to the general U.S. population
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